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quinta-feira, 28 de abril de 2016

Mind maps, you should create one!

Have you ever heard about it?

Mind mapping is an easy graphic technique for drawing information in diagrams, instead of writing it in sentences, to represent ideas and concepts.

It is a visual thinking tool that helps structuring information, helping you to better analyze, comprehend, synthesize, recall and generate new ideas.

These diagrams take a basic format of a tree, with a single starting point in the middle that branches out, and divides again and again. The tree is made up of words or short sentences connected by lines. The lines that connect the words are part of the meaning.

In a mind map, as opposed to traditional note taking or a linear text, information is structured in a way that resembles much more closely how your brain actually works.

The best of all, in my opinion, it is fun!

If you want to learn about it in Portuguese, just find a weblink on my post.

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